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Re: Extending the schema

daniel.kaplan@infraswitch.com wrote:
> It seems like it would be an easy thing to extend the schema on
> openldap but I used web2ldap and apparently the attributes that I added
> have no object class.

What does that mean "have no object class"? web2ldap sets object
classes if you choose one or several from the select list.

You're not telling us which OpenLDAP version you're using. Assuming
OpenLDAP 1.2.x you should have a look at /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
and slapd.oc.conf.

web2ldap uses schema information stored in the configuration module
ldapoc.py (most times stored in /etc/web2ldap) solely for presenting
nicer input forms for Add/Modify operations. It does no schema
checking itself. 

The ldapoc.py shipped with the download distribution is derived from
my local configuration.

You can either edit ldapoc.py directly which is pretty straight
forward or generate your own ldapoc.py with
web2ldap/sbin/occonf2ldapoc.py which parses OpenLDAP 1.2.x
objectClass files.

Ciao, Michael.