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Re: Object Properties

Hi,  Darren and all OpenLDAP users,

> 1)    An object class definition MUST include ALL attributes it requires
> and allows as there is no object class inheritance (no parent or
> superior classes)?
Yes, it is true with OpenLDAP 1.2.X differing from Netscape Directory Server
But OpenLDAP 2.0 will allow such object class inheritance.(See slapd.conf(5)
man file of OpenLDAP 2.0-alpha)

> 2)     An object can be a member of multiple object classes but must
> obey all require rules of those object classes.
Yes, the entry followed below may contains top' or person's or
mailRecipient's allowed attributes and must contain ontains top' or person's
or mailRecipient's requierd attributes.

cn=Jim Bob ,o=foo.com
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: mailRecipient
<attributes & values>

Yuji Sakata
e-mail: yuji@sakata.org
my WWWSite's URL: http://www.sakata.org/