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RE: Production use of OpenLDAP

Sounds great, which company/site are you talking about?  Judging from your
e-mail I guess that the company is Internet Access AG and that you are in
the ISP buisiness, right?

The Radius-thing sounds interesting.  I don't think I have heard about
Radius support in OpenLDAP - are you using some kind of generic Radius/LDAP


	Christoffer Soop

>Soop, Christoffer wrote:
>> Well... I was hoping to find a reference case in the size of 
>the CNN/Novell
>> deal (http://www.novell.com/lead_stories/1999/dec14/index.html).
>> In this case the application initially has to handle 10 000 
>concurrent users
>> out of a total 400 000
>Hi Christoffer,
>I hope this is what you are looking for: we are using OpenLDAP 
>in a production
>environment for about 60'000 users (about 4000 concurrent). We use
>Multiple-Masters (a patch I sent to the ITS and which will be 
>included in 2.0
>as far as I know) to avoid a single point of failure (24/7 
>uptime) and share
>the load over a level 4 switch. LDAP is used as the central 
>directory for the
>following services: HTTP, FTP, Radius, AFP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and SMB.
>The numbers are not as high as you proposed it but we had no 
>problems since we
>started (May 99) and we expect the user count to increase more 
>in the future.