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Re: Finding Objects

Darren Ward wrote:

> Hi All,
> Another silly question.....
> How would we list all objects that are members of a certain Object
> Class?
> Let's say we have a custom object class called 'aaaPerson' but it has
> only three allowed attributes and no required ones.
> It is however a subclass of 'inetOrgPerson' which has requirements for
> 'cn' etc...
> My question, if cn=Jim Bob is a member of object class aaaPerson but has
> none of the optional attributes in his object, can we find him as a
> member of 'aaaPerson'?
> Sorry if this is a silly question, but sometimes it's the only way to
> learn (and stop hassling all of you!)
> Darren

Hi Daren,
      the objectclass of an object i defined by values of the abjectclass
attribute. so to determine if an object uses or can usea attributes of a
particular objectlcass then you can search for the objectclass value in the
objectclass attribute .
ldapsearch -h localhost -b basedn objectclass=specialobject

will provide all objects that are "specialobject" objects.