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Re: commercial support for openldap

On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 09:57:41AM +0200, Joerg Henner wrote:
> On Mon, 09 Okt 2000, David Obadia wrote:
> > Hi, I work for Aurora (http://www.aurora-linux.com/). We do provide
> > OpenLDAP based solutions, if you are interested, please contact me at
> > dobadia@aurora-linux.com. 
> Thanx a lot for your answer. We're right on an project for an PHP-based
> openLDAP Editor (based on gq) - its needed at one of our customers. I think
> we'll give the sources out with the GPL when finished programming on that.

There is a similar program:
But It not really functional [yet?].

> So have a look at our Script-Archive on our Webpages.
> Greetings,
> Joerg Henner.
> -- 
> LinuxHaus Stuttgart                    | Tel.:  +49 (7 11) 2 85 19 05
> J. Henner & A. Reyer, Datentechnik GbR | D2:    +49 (1 72) 7 35 31 09
>                                        | Fax:   +49 (7 11) 5 78 06 92
> Linux, Netzwerke, Consulting & Support | http://lihas.de

| David Obadia - Aurora
| mailto:dobadia@aurora-linux.com
| http://www.aurora-linux.com/
| phone: +33 (0)1 58 17 03 20