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ldap address book; outlook

good day everyone,

i have openldap running on aix 4.3.2 (thanks to john stanton :-) to serve as
a simple address book for outlook 98 and outlook express users on a
moderatly sized wan. outlook 98 users have the microsoft ldap service
installed as their only address book (o98ldap.exe from m$).

i have setup the base dn as o=madagascar automobile, c=mg and then i have
several ou's below that: ou=accounting  ou=sales  ou=service ... etc.
outlook 98 users have this base dn set as their search dn.

i have two *hopefully* simple questions since i am quite the newbie:

1) when a user clicks on the to: button of a new message, is their a way to
have dialog box automtaically fill with ldap data from the server? this
obviates the requirement to click 'search', put something in, and then click
'ok'. for the moment, if they put a white space in and click 'ok' they get
the whole list. is their a fronend or backend directive that would send the
data as soon as a user has bound to the server?

2) since membership of an ou practically implies a mailing list, is their a
way to send mail message to 'ou=Accounting, o=Madagascar Automobile, c=mg'
such that all member of the ou would
receive the mail?

infinite thanks.

Christopher CUSE
Madagascar Automobile
Antananarivo, Madagascar