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Re: commercial support for openldap

On Sam, 23 Sep 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

>> i was wondering if there is any commercial group that offers support
>> contracts for openldap.  i'm interested in using at work but management
>> may not buy off on it if there isn't commercial support available from
>> someone.
>IMO, your management needs to realize the significant differences in
>commercial software, in which commercial support is a requirement, and
>open source software, in which support from the developers is far better.
>I mean, if you go the way of Netscape Directory server for example, would
>you ever get to talk to the people who actually write the code? Would you
>ever be able to apply fixes on your own? Would you ever get a legitimate
>bug fixed within a few hours, days, or even weeks?

Well, many managements dont want to communicate to "hackers" (eg.
developers) *grin* ... they might wanna more get in contact to firms who
offers support also in an justice/jugdement way ...

Hope you understand what i try to say...


Joerg Henner.

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