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Re: Avoiding redundancy

Michael Ströder wrote:
> mas@xinit.se wrote:
> >
> > So, I want to store
> > that information in one place and then link to the employees. Then, when
> > searching for a particular employee I want the information for the
> > employee displayed _and_ the information of the office.
> I don't think that it's possible to set kind of a referral or a link
> on the attribute level (I guess that's what you want).
> You might want to store a seeAlso or similar attribute which
> contains a DN of the office entry containing all the information
> about the office (like FAX etc.). If you write your own client it
> can retrieve and display this additional information immediately
> when displaying the person's entry. Generic LDAP clients around
> won't do this.

Thanks for the answers! I have some more questions.

What do you prefer; storing the DN of the office entry as a seeAlso
attribute, or storing all the attributes of the office in every
employees entries?

If we choose to store all the attributes of the office in every
employees entries, how should those entries be maintained. E.g when the
FAX number of the offices changes how do we update that information?

Our LDAP directory will be used both by generic clients (e.g Netscape,
Outlook) and own written clients.

kind regards
/Martin Sigbjörn