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Avoiding redundancy

I have the following problem.
I have an LDAP directory containing the employees in my organisation.
For each employee I have attributs like givenname, surname, phone etc...
I also want to store attributes for the office of a particular employee,
e.g fax, postalcode, street etc... 

However, it will be a lot of redundancy to store that information for
all employees at a particular office. And if the faxnumber is changed I
then have to change that for all those employees. So, I want to store
that information in one place and then link to the employees. Then, when
searching for a particular employee I want the information for the
employee displayed _and_ the information of the office.

Is this possible or do I have to manually store the information of the
office in the entries of the employees involved.

kind regards
/Martin Sigbjörn