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Moving the information from a ICL server to OpenLDAP

Hi to all.

  I wanted to move the information from a X.500 server with a LDAP gate-
way to OpenLDAP and I have two problems. One is to have the same scheme
on OpenLDAP and the main server. The main server also has some entries
with certificates, which might give some problems when trying to import
to Netscape or Outlook.

  Has someone done this? A roadmap?

Thanks and have a nice weekend.
Bruno Salgueiro       (mailto:bs@sibs.pt)
SIBS - Sociedade Interbancária de Serviços
Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Lote 1, 1600 Lisboa, Portugal

Tel: + 351 21 791 88 33
Fax: + 351 21 794 24 40

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