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Re: DB question

On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 04:41:42PM +0000, Alex Zakharov wrote:
> I agree, the report is rather vague (to put it mildly) on the details of the 
> actual testing routines/configuration/data and consequently can not be 
> treated as a serious evaluation of the products, however it might be in the 
> general ballpark.

	Hmm, now that you mention it, the report is kind of vague. NWF
has usually done a pretty good job in describing their test configurations,
and even the machine configrations and tuning setups in the past, at least
in the benchmarks I've been involved with. I cant see to find any of that info
here. http://www.networkworld.com/reviews/2000/0515rev3how.html is a start,
but not as detailed as some previous reports. A copy of their test data
would be interesting as well, just for local testing, but alas. 
	I'll probabaly be running some benchmarks on a handful of unix
based ldap servers in the near future anyway, so i'll see what I come up with.
