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Re: DB question

> Absolutely.  I just did not want to step on you, since it is experimental
> and not much shaked out outside of your organization.  I did not want to
> draw people into running code whose state I don't know.

But having other people play with it is the only way to improve it ...
I have a set of improvements/bugfixes which I had no time to commit.
When it is done at last, I'd say the state of the code would be "relatively
complete" :)

> Anyway, see that I put it in the general LDAP FAQ section.  If you write
> something OpenLDAP-specific, I think it should be elsewhere (but a pointer
> may be added).

I thought just of something like my previous note being added to that FAQ
answer, stating that there exists a solution in OpenLDAP, and where it is
available (along with concrete documentation).

WBW, Dmitry