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steve hendrikse wrote:
> hi,
> i am just new to this list, so please don't flame me if you think this
> question has been beaten to death.
> i have openldap 1.2.10 up and running and my unix machines (using pam_ldap)
> can be authenticated to the directory.  I would like to extend this to include
> authentication for my microsoft windows nt 4.0 workstation sp6 machines.  is
> this possible?  every where on the net seems to suggest that this is possible,
> but i have not found a location that definitively answers the question, and if
> yes, how to do it. Anyone here know an answer and a product
> (freeware/shareware/commercial) that can do this?
> thanks in advance,
> steve
You can use a program called samba to authenticate Windows nt 4.0
machines. Have a look at this page: 
I don't think it is possible to authenticate Winnt 4.0ws without a
program emulating the pdc functionality of a winnt server.
