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Re: Directory Enabled Networks

Hello, Mr. Thomas.

> I notice Cisco is missing, I would have expected their input.
> > Participants
> >
> >         This list shows the names of the companies that participated in the Distributed Management Task Force - CIM Sub-Committee whose contributions
> >         made this document possible.
> >
> >         Compaq Computer Corporation
> >         Computer Associates Intl., Inc
> >         Hewlett-Packard Company
> >         Intel Corporation
> >         Microsoft Corporation
> >         Novell, Inc.
> >         Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> >         Tivoli Systems, Inc.

Ummm... It is very strange.
Chair of Network Workgroup on DMTF is Mr. John Strassner, from cisco.

 Kentaro Fujinuma / IIGA Co., Ltd. / Network Administrator
 Contact: E-mail: fuji@iiga.co.jp 
          Tel: 03-5296-0389 / Fax: 03-5296-0386