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Re: Directory Enabled Networks

Hello, Mr. Jones.

> Just wondering if anyone out there is attempting to use the DEN
> specification for network management.  There doesn't seem to be a wealth of
> information on this particular topic within the last year or so...

DEN spec is integrated into CIM standard in last year.
Please visit DMTF; http://www.dmtf.org/spec/cim/

There is also CIM tutorial.

If you want to implement LDAP-based and DEN-compliant management system,
you can use ldap schema published by dmtf ldap working group. These are
internet-drafts, so you can get your favorit mirror site.

"LDAP Schema for the DMTF Core CIM Model", R. Moats, John Strassner, 
 09/17/1999, <draft-moats-dmtf-core-ldap-00.txt>

    This draft presents a LDAP core schema for the DMTF CIM Core model
    version 2.2 [4].

"LDAP Schema for the DMTF Device CIM Model", R. Moats, John Strassner, 
 Gerald Maziarski, 09/17/1999, <draft-moats-dmtf-device-ldap-00.txt>

    This draft presents a LDAP schema for the DMTF CIM Device model [7].

"LDAP Schema for the DMTF Application CIM Model", R. Moats, John 
 Strassner, Gerald Maziarski, 10/13/1999, 

    This draft presents a LDAP schema for the DMTF CIM Application model
    version 2.2 [4].

"LDAP Schema for the DMTF Network CIM Model", R. Moats, John Strassner, 
 Gerald Maziarski, 10/13/1999, <draft-moats-dmtf-network-ldap-00.txt>

    This draft presents a LDAP schema for the DMTF CIM Network model
    version 2.2 [4].

"LDAP Schema for the DMTF Physical CIM Model", 
 R. Moats, John Strassner, Gerald Maziarski, 10/13/1999, 

    This draft presents a LDAP schema for the DMTF CIM Physical model
    version 2.2 [4].

"LDAP Schema for the DMTF System CIM Model", R. Moats, John Strassner, 
 Gerald Maziarski, 10/13/1999, <draft-moats-dmtf-system-ldap-00.txt>

    This draft presents a LDAP schema for the DMTF CIM System model [5].


 Kentaro Fujinuma / IIGA Co., Ltd. / Network Administrator
 Contact: E-mail: fuji@iiga.co.jp 
          Tel: 03-5296-0389 / Fax: 03-5296-0386