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Re: backup

This question is more appropriate for the OpenLDAP-software list.
Please redirect further discussions there.

To do a backup of an LDAP server, take the server down and
dump the filesystem or use ldbmcat to generate an LDIF
representation of each database.

You should not attempt to backup the server while it is
as the quality of the backup cannot be guaranteed.

At 03:05 PM 1/18/00 +0400, Dmitry Melekhov wrote:
>How I can backup my ldap database?
>I used openldap 1.2.7 and lost my database 2 times-
>after rebooting server, so I get data from replication.
>Today I reboot replication server and get database on it corrupted.
>I copy database from main server, but without success,
>me be because I don't stop server.
>So I do ldif export with gq and now both servers work
>and I upgrade to 1.2.8.
>Question is how to backup ldap database -
>looks like simple copy is not enough :(
>Dmitry Melekhov

Kurt D. Zeilenga		<kurt@boolean.net>
Net Boolean Incorporated	<http://www.boolean.net/>