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Re: Production use of OpenLDAP

Ben Collins wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 02:37:31PM +0100, Kristian Köhntopp wrote:
> > How do you maintain the integrity of your data,
> > that is, how do you check that references between
> > different objects are kept intact and up-to-date,
> > that attributes get only valid values and the like?
> The developers' directory is referenced against the main PGP keyring. The
> packages' directory will be referenced against the information found right
> in the packages (ie. the physical archive). Most of the programming is
> done via perl-ldap and python-ldap.

I see. This is very manual. What I was 
actually looking for is some kind of
plugin API, where I can insert shared library
code into the server which is then called
back before and after different operations
such as inserts and updates. I might then
return false or true before an insert or
update and thus veto or allow a certain 


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE Kommunikationstechnologie GmbH
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