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Re: draft-ietf-ldapbis-protocol-16.txt

Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:
At 09:18 AM 7/7/2003, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
 >>>> Olivier Dubuisson <Olivier.Dubuisson@francetelecom.com> 7/3/03
 >12:52:50 AM >>>
 >>Dear Jim,
 >>regarding Section 9 of
 >>please update the dates of X.680 and X.690 to 2002, for it is the only
 >>version in force for the ASN.1 standard.
 >I note also that [Syntaxes] points to the 1997 version of X.690, and
 >[Models] points to the 1997 version of X.680 (though [Syntaxes] points
 >to the 2002 version). I don't remember what we decided to do with the
 >dates of the ITU-T documents, but likely we should apply the changes to
 >all the documents.

For X.680/X.690, referencing the latest versions is not problematic.

They are freely available from http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/

For other ITU-T documents, in particular X.500 series documents, we
need to stick with 2nd edition revisions (e.g, circa 1993).

 >>Would it be acceptable to you if the ASN.1 module defined in your I-D
 >>checked and pretty-printed by the ITU-T, and published as part of the
 >>module database on their website at

Verification of the ASN.1 using available checkers would
be appreciated.

Sebastien Castano from the ITU TSB will keep you informed as soon as the work is done and published on the ITU website so that you can hyperlink to the module database.

 >My read of the copyright statement on the last page permits you to
 >copy, prepare, and publish a derivative work (so yes)

I note that as the ASN.1 is often used and distributed
separately from the RFC, we likely should apply the MIB
copyright guidelines:
so that the ISOC copyright appears in the ASN.1.

Good idea. We will add this copyright statement at the end of the ASN.1 modules defined in RFCs before they are pretty-printed. But what kind of copyright statement would you like to see for Jim's I-D?
Olivier DUBUISSON (leader of the ITU-T ASN.1 Project)
france telecom R&D

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