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Re: draft-ietf-ldapbis-protocol-16.txt

Steven Legg wrote:

Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:

At 09:18 AM 7/7/2003, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
My read of the copyright statement on the last page permits you to
copy, prepare, and publish a derivative work (so yes)

I note that as the ASN.1 is often used and distributed separately from the RFC, we likely should apply the MIB copyright guidelines: http://www.ietf.org/IESG/STATEMENTS/MIB-COPYRIGHT.txt so that the ISOC copyright appears in the ASN.1.

I agree. We just need to change "this MIB module" to "this ASN.1 module". I suggest we place the copyright notice as an ASN.1 comment after the ModuleIdentifier but before the DEFINITIONS keyword, e.g.

Foo { 1 2 3 }

-- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (year). This version of
--  this ASN.1 module is part of RFC xxxx; see the RFC itself
--  for full legal notices.


Sebastien, please handle this with the small change that it is not an RFC but an I-D (OK Steven?).
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