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Re: Significance of name forms.

Howard Chu wrote:
Michael Ströder wrote:
I did not find any text in X.501 or RFC 4512 which clearly says that.
Especially RFC 4512 makes DIT structure rules optional. Maybe I'm
missing something though.


A name form is only a primitive element of the full specification required to
constrain the form of the DIT to that
required by the administrative and naming authorities that determine the
naming policies of a given region of the DIT.
The remaining aspects of the specification of DIT structure are discussed in

12.6.5 defines DIT Structure Rules.

I already read this text carefully and I do see that there is some justification for your interpretation. But still I'm not 100% convinced because the X.501 text is written under the assumption that there is always a governing structure rule (besides one corner-case clarified in X.501(2010)).

And it seems I'm not the only one who interpreted it differently:


I don't claim to know *the* right interpretation. I'd vote to ask other vendors. I'd happily correct this in web2ldap if needed.

Ciao, Michael.

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