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Re: ldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53) error:

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 10:57 PM, Pierangelo Masarati <ando@sys-net.it> wrote:

>> Perhaps the fact that all add procedures are NULL could explain the
>> inability to  perform an LDAP add operation?

> we have removed the null values ,then we tried ldapsearch it works
> well.

My guess is that the presence/absence of "add" procedures does not impact
LDAP searches.

> butnot able to do ldapadd...
> we are encountering the error..
> ldap_add: Internal (implementation specific) error (80)
>         additional info: no structuralObjectClass operational attribute

Are you sure the entry you're trying to add has a valid objectClass chain?

 wat u mean by valid objectClass chain ????

 Is mapping present for that objectClass?  Can you post your
ldap_oc_mappings and ldap_attr_mappings?  Can you post the LDIF that

ya ..here the tables are...
mysql> select * from ldap_attr_mappings;

| id  | oc_map_id | name          | sel_expr     | sel_expr_u | from_tbls
| join _where | add_proc | delete_proc | param_order | expect_return |

| 101 |       101 | uid           | persons.name | NULL       | persons 
|        |          |             |           3 |             0 |
| 102 |       101 | uidNumber     | 2000         | NULL       | persons 
|        |          |             |           3 |             0 |
| 103 |       101 | gidNumber     | 2000         | NULL       | persons 
|        |          |             |           3 |             0 |
| 104 |       101 | homeDirectory | persons.name | NULL       | persons 
|        |          |             |           3 |             0 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from ldap_oc_mappings;

| id  | name         | keytbl  | keycol | create_proc | delete_proc |
expect_ret urn |
| 101 | posixAccount | persons | id     |             |             |   0 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from ldap_entries;

| id | dn                | oc_map_id | parent | keyval |
|  1 | dc=example,dc=com |       101 |      0 |      1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from ldap_entry_objclasses;

| entry_id | oc_name      |
|        2 | posixAccount |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

our ldif file is,
 dn: cn:new,dc=example,dc=com

i blog @ http://vinsvision.wordpress.com