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Re: ldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53) error:

vinodh kumar wrote:
> hello all...
>  Read the links which you directed and we followed t...we set up the mysql
> table structure as follows..thanks for ur response:)
>  we added an ldif file...
> dn: cn:new,dc=example,dc=com
> objectClass:inetOrgPerson
> cn:new
> sn:a
> uid:new
> displayname:neww
> while doing ldapserach we encountered error..
> ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -f /etc/ldap/ldiffs/ocnew.ldif -w
> cas
> adding new entry "cn=new,dc=example,dc=com"
> ldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53)
>         additional info: operation not permitted within namingContext
> select * from ldap_attr_mappings;
> +-----+-----------+-----------
> ----+---------------------------------------+------------+-----------+------------+----------+-------------+-------------+---------------+
> | id  | oc_map_id | name          | sel_expr                              |
> sel_expr_u | from_tbls | join_where | add_proc | delete_proc | param_order |
> expect_return |
> +-----+-----------+---------------+---------------------------------------+------------+-----------+------------+----------+-------------+-------------+---------------+
> |   1 |         1 | cn            | concat(persons.name,,persons.surname) |
> NULL       | persons   | NULL       | NULL     | NULL        |           3
> |             0 |
> |   2 |         1 | sn            | persons.surname                       |
> NULL       | persons   | NULL       | NULL     | NULL        |           3
> |             0 |
> |   4 |         1 | displayname   | persons.displayname                   |
> NULL       | persons   | NULL       | NULL     | NULL        |           3
> |             0 |
> |   3 |         1 | uid           | persons.uid                           |
> NULL       | persons   | NULL       | NULL     | NULL        |           3
> |             0 |
> | 101 |       101 | uid           | persons.name                          |
> NULL       | persons   | NULL       | NULL     | NULL        |           3
> |             0 |
> | 102 |       101 | uidNumber     | 2000                                  |
> NULL       | persons   | NULL       | NULL     | NULL        |           3
> |             0 |
> | 103 |       101 | gidNumber     | 2000                                  |
> NULL       | persons   | NULL       | NULL     | NULL        |           3
> |             0 |
> | 104 |       101 | homeDirectory | persons.name                          |
> NULL       | persons   | NULL       | NULL     | NULL        |           3
> |             0 |
> +-----+-----------+---------------+---------------------------------------+------------+-----------+------------+----------+-------------+-------------+---------------+

Perhaps the fact that all add procedures are NULL could explain the
inability to  perform an LDAP add operation?


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

SysNet s.r.l.
via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office:  +39 02 23998309
Mobile:  +39 333 4963172
Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it