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Re: authzTo [auf Viren überprüft]

Hans Moser wrote:

Pierangelo Masarati schrieb am 04.08.2005 17:17:

authz-policy to
authz-regexp uid=.*,cn=auth
authz-regexp cn=human,ou=mgr,o=foo

^^^ this is incorrect; either use

I corrected this to:
authz-policy to
authz-regexp uid=human,cn=plain,cn=auth
authz-regexp uid=([^,]*,cn=plain,cn=auth

I don't recognized, that not only sasl_ldapdb_id is converted but also the imapd-userid.
Now the two ids are converted correctly (checked with -d 1 output).

Now slapd stucks while doing the authzTo rule checking:

slap_sasl_check_authz: does employeeNumber=2,ou=here,ou=humans,o=foo match authzTo rule in cn=human,ou=mgr,o=foo?
slap_sasl_check_authz: authzTo check returning 50
slap_sasl_authorized: return 48
SASL PROXY AUTHORIZE [conn=0]: proxy authorization disallowed (48)
SASL [conn=0] Failure: not authorized

authzTo-attribute of cn=human,ou=mgr,o=foo is
authzTo: dn.subtree="ou=humans,o=foo"

Looks like I gave you partially incorrect advice; should be

authzTo: dn.subtree:ou=humans,o=foo

note the colon after "subtree".

In slapd.conf: authz-regexp "cn=human,ou=mgr,o=foo" dn.subtree="ou=humans,o=foo"

In what state is the connection?
What ACL settings are required? Must authzTo really be readable by *?

AFAIR authz{To,From} should have AUTH access to be used in authorization.

When I do this, I goes one step further:

slap_sasl_match: comparing DN employeeNumber=2,ou=here,ou=humans,o=foo to rule dn.subtree="ou=humans,o=foo"
slap_parseURI: parsing dn.subtree="ou=humans,o=foo"
slap_sasl_match: comparison returned 2

See above; "2" means protocolError (because of the incorrect syntax).

slap_sasl_check_authz: authzTo check returning 2
slap_sasl_authorized: return 48
SASL PROXY AUTHORIZE [conn=0]: proxy authorization disallowed (48)
SASL [conn=0] Failure: not authorized

Where is the cause for the "Insufficient access" problem here?

On a side note, I think we should define a "authz" syntax so that when this data gets written in the directory it gets validated (and possibly normalized) and errors can be noticed in advance. This would also save a lot of normalizations when data is used.


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