hi all:
recently we had problems with the number of file
descriptor that slapd have opened.
we have the next message at slapd.log
"(Too many open
To resolve this problems, we have growed the number
of file descriptor available.(because our system is over Solaris we have used
plimit command to upgrade the number to 1024)
but now we gets the next message
" 64 beyond descriptor table size
do mean that we have a problem? or its only a
Agustin torres
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Torres-Ternero Alvarez;Agustín FN:Agustín Torres-Ternero Alvarez ORG:Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información S.A.U.;Desarrollo de Proyectos TITLE:Area de e-Gobierno TEL;WORK;VOICE:955061022 TEL;WORK;VOICE:955061000 TEL;WORK;FAX:955061019 ADR;WORK:;;Avda. de la Arboleda s/n;Tomares, Sevilla;;41940;España LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Avda. de la Arboleda s/n=0D=0ATomares, Sevilla 41940=0D=0AEspa=F1a EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:agustin.torres.ext@juntadeandalucia.es REV:20021011T120549Z END:VCARD