I am using openldap version 1.2.3.
I have used some ldap migrate tool to import the passwords file into
I am successfully using pam_ldap.
I am trying to change the password as me:
# ldappasswd -D"uid=ghibble,dc=adevice,dc=com" -w abc123 "uid=ghibble,dc=adevice,dc=com".
It prompts for password and I give it something but it comes back
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials
abc123 is the correct current password. My slapd.conf has
the following lines:
access to attr=userPassword by self write by * compareIf I bind as ROOTDN, "cn=root,dc=adevice,dc=com" and ROOTPW, it works fine.
What am I doing wrong?
--Geoff Hibble