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Re: Regex pattern for LDIF

On Die, 31 Okt 2000, Michael Ströder wrote:

>Thanks for the code (this prints out LDIF?). Pardon my Perl
>ignorance. I have written a LDIF-parser and -generator in Python.

this sample perl-code prints out the LDIF-dataformat, such as it
"ldapsearch" does ;) you might have to modify the search/filter

>I was rather looking for a simple regex for checking if the user has
>entered LDIF in a web form. It does not have to be perfect. The
>parser raises exceptions if something is wrong anyway.

a simple REGEXP search might be:


i often use an "global ldapsearch", and then i pipe this to "grep".

for example:

ldapsearch -L -D "o=DHW,c=DE" -D "uid=admin,o=DHW,c=DE" -w "xxxxxxx" \(objectclass=\*\) |grep -i XXXX


Joerg Henner.

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