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Re: Regex pattern for LDIF

On Die, 31 Okt 2000, Michael Ströder wrote:

>Does anybody on the list have a regex pattern for LDIF-formatted
>entry at hand?

your searching something like this (?):


use Socket;
use Net::LDAP;


$ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldaphost) or die "$@";
$ldap->bind( dn => $dn, password => $password);

$base = "o=DHW,c=DE";
$uid ="uid".@ARGV[0];

$mesg = $ldap->search(base => "$base", filter => "uid=".@ARGV[0]);

print "=========================================================\n";
while( my $entry = $mesg->shift_entry) {
  foreach my $attr ($entry->attributes) {
    foreach my $value ($entry->get_value($attr)) {
      print $attr, ": ", $value, "\n";
print "=========================================================\n";


Joerg Henner.

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