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ssh tunnelling


I just read Giuseppe's recently posted instructions and found them to be
excellent.  He suggests using stunnel for secure communications between the
clients and the server. Is there any problem or serious difficulty in doing the
same thing using ssh port forwarding?

I already have ssh installed in the network I intend to deploy LDAP
authentication, and it is working very well and it is something I think
understand.  Everytime I read about using SSL, my eyes cross...
Setting up a certification authority seems to me way too much trouble
for such a simple application.

This seems very obvious to me, but I don't recollect anybody else suggesting
it, so there must be some issue I'm missing.

Many thanks,
Ramiro Brito Willmersdorf            rbw@demec.ufpe.br  
GPG key: http://www.demec.ufpe.br/~rbw/GPG/gpg_key.txt