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Re: authenticating with netscape messenger

Hi Michael,
> When I experimentally let dn="" read the mail= attribute, I
> discovered that Netscape looks up the e-mail address, and if
> it occurs in one and only one entry, tries to log in with
> that DN and the user-supplied password. This always fails if
> the e-mail address is found more than once. Now I'm
> wondering why they decided to use an e-mail address to
> identify directory entries, when that's what DNs were for.
> It's not unreasonable to have more than one entry list the
> same e-mail address, and I see no point (and extra work) in
> prohibiting this, or in inventing new unique e-mail
> addresses just to use as login names for Netscape Messenger.

You can specify the bindDN in the preferences.js file. See:

Norbert Klasen
DFN Directory Services                           tel: +49 7071 29 70335
ZDV, Univervsität Tübingen                        fax: +49 7071 29 5912
D-72074 Tübingen                    norbert.klasen@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Germany                                     http://www.directory.dfn.de