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Re: Synch with w2k

>>>>> "Axel" == Axel Eble <Axel.Eble@Rhein-Main.Net> writes:

    >> > According to the O'Reilly LDAP book, Microsoft are > working
    >> on a generic LDAP connector for Active > Directory.
    >> Any more details on this?

    Axel> Especially on the quoted O'Reilly LDAP-Book? Did I miss
    Axel> something there?

I was more thinking about when/where/what etc... We're currently 
using a W2k machine here (despite my requests NOT to! :). Luckily
I'm not even NEAR it, but it must be a pain for the (l)users be
forced with two different passwords. One for there (windows)login
and one for the mail...

It would be nice if they could have one, with the ability to change
the password easier...