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Re: DB question

At 05:51 PM 5/19/00 +0200, Julio Sánchez Fernández wrote:
>Ouch, that hurts...

Does hurt me...

OpenLDAP does not have many of the features found of polished products,
has a number of significant stability and performance issues,
and often requires an "expert" to deploy.  This does not mean it's
not generally usable.  It is (as demonstrated by its use).

As far as OpenLDAP doing more, well, it will.  It will do what
WE want it to do.  It is, after all, a product of the community.

I encourage those interested in improving OpenLDAP to get involved.
As always, discussions regarding the development of OpenLDAP should
be taken to the OpenLDAP-devel mailing list.
