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Re: LDAPv3 clients

At 08:47 AM 5/4/00 +0200, Mikael Grehn wrote:
>Perhaps a trivial question but...what LDAPv3 clients are available?

Most LDAP vendors  provide LDAPv3 command line
tools with their server.  You often can download
evaluation copies for free.

You also might check out produces of various LDAP APIs.
It's likely that they have also produces command line
tools which you can use to perform tests.

In particular, perl-ldap (net::ldap) provides a couple
of clients.  See: http://perl-ldap.sourceforge.net/

Also, modern web/mail clients often supports LDAPv3
and LDAPv2.  See their manuals for how to use v3 over v2.