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Fw: LDAP Queries

I am very new to LDAP I have some questions. If you have time, please clarify them.
I have a financial application that in which every client has a certificate. which he/she has to produce
to authenticate him/herself to the system.
Can a certificate be stored in an LDAP server. If yes, How to do this in Netscape 4.0 LDAP server ( I had a look at the ADD api but it showed how to add text attributes ). Will I have to change the default schema in order to store a certificate ( how to do this )?
I will be always grateful if u could answer this questions. Thanks for your time.
Best regards,
    _/               Abhishek Srivastava
   _/                Hewlett Packard ISO      
  _/_/_/   _/_/_/    -------------------  
 _/    /   _/   _/     (Work)   +91-80-2251554 x1190
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        _/           (Url)    http://sites.netscape.net/abhishes/index.html                       
                     Work like you don't need the money.
                     Dance like no one is watching.
                     And love like you've never been hurt.
                     --Mark Twain                      