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nss_ldap modul and Solaris 2.6


This question(s) is not a pure ldap question, but i hope
that i will get some answers nevertheless.

We dont get the nss_ldap module (www.padl.com) to run on Solaris 2.6.
We installed the openldap-server-1.2.6 which runs without
any problem. 
(ldapsearch -b "o=itm-research,c=de" 'objectlass=*' works fine)
We build the libldap with the -fPIC flag.(gcc version 2.8.1)

Now we tried to build the nss-ldap85 module.
Compilation and installation works fine, but we think the nss_ldap.so.1
library is not used if we do a login for a user which is only in the
ldap-database an not in /etc/passwd.

The file /etc/nsswitch.conf is modified as: 
passwd:	files ldap
group:  files ldap

There is also no difference if we build the nss-ldap module with the
LDFLAG -shared.

We also found, that the file /etc/ldap.conf will only be installed for 
Makefile.linux.* und Makefile.RPM. Is there no need for this file on

So, how does the nss_ldap module knows where it can find the ldap-server
and how does the module know about our base "o=itm-research,c=de" ?

We also create a /etc/ldapd.conf file. But nothing changed.

We also set -DDEBUG and -DDEBUG_SYSLOG but there was nothing written to
the syslog file too?

Any hints?
Is there anyone who works with Solaris2.6 and the nss_module?

Thank you in advance.

Erik Heim
    _/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/  _/_/ | ITM Research GmbH  |  
   _/     _/     _/ _/_/ _/  | Blücherstr. 32     |  
  _/     _/     _/  _/  _/   | 75177 Pforzheim    | Erik Heim
 _/     _/     _/      _/    | Tel.+497231563760  | erik@itm-research.de 
             R E S E A R C H | Fax.+4972315637666 | www.itm-research.de