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Re: [authmeth] effect of StartTLS on authentication state

The obvious security consideration is that a client which does:
and a client which does

would (assuming both provided the same credentials and the negotiated
the same security layers, association state diagram were followed)
achieve the same apparent authorization state and protection levels when,
in fact, the latter approach is prone to a number of obvious attacks.

For the life of me, I cannot imagine why a client would do
or even

If the exchanged information is sensitive enough to warrant starting TLS,
then it follows that password which provides access to that information is
equally sensitive and should be protected by TLS.

It's my opinion that the RFC 2830, section 5.1.1 absolute
imperative is inappropriate and actually in conflict with section 3.1.
Authorization state diagram aside (its not normative), if a client does
simple+StartTLS+X, the server is free, per section 3.1, to return
strongAuthRequired for X.  And if 3.1 isn't enough, please consider
access and administrative control models behavior is a local matter and
servers are free to return security codes as necessary to implement
the model they support.  Also, nothing in the LDAP TS should be viewed
as precluding from lowering the effective access rights or otherwise
placing restrictions upon clients for this or any other reason.

It is not only reasonable that servers treat StartTLS+simple differently
than simple+StartTLS, it makes good sense from a security perspective.  I
believe that the OpenLDAP behavior (which is policy driven) of forcing the
session to anonymous upon StartTLS has significantly improved the security
of the Internet.  There are a lot less clients doing simple+StartTLS now
and that is, IMO, a good thing.


At 04:18 PM 7/1/2003, Roger Harrison wrote:
>A WG member has asked whether the server should drop all knowledge of the connection, i.e. return to anonymous state, if it gets a StartTLS request on a connection that has successfully bound using the simple method. I believe that the intent of section 5 the authmeth draft is clear on this point: if the association is in state S4 (authenticated but no TLS) and the client performs action A3 (sends a Start TLS request), then the next association state is S5 (authenticated with TLS).
>My understanding of existing implementations leads me to believe that this is the generally accepted understanding of the way this should work.  I can't see any serious security issues with maintaining this behavior. Therefore, I propose that we do not change this requirement.  I will consider adding wording to clarify this point if WG members request it.
>Please respond with your opinions.