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Re: Help need with replication

--On Friday, May 24, 2019 5:08 PM -0400 "John C. Pfeifer" <pfeifer@umd.edu> wrote:
Adding values to an attribute is exactly what ITS#8990 was dealing with,
so I'm not sure you think it's not a concern.  The issue was with the
way in which the attribute was modified.
Looking at
90, ITS#8990 seems to be about deleting values, not adding them.  Is
there somewhere else that I should be looking for more details?

The issue is how an attribute value is added, particularly when Python is being used to do the change. In any case, the underlying problem affects multiple operations. Again, the accesslog entry for the change from *both* masters must be compared. The issue in ITS#8990 goes something like this:
master A receives the change
master B successfully replicates the change, but records it incorrectly in the accesslog.
downstream replica pulls the change from master B, and it fails.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: