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[Q] RFC2307bis2 "An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service"


We've found RFC2307bis2:
"An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service"

and now wondering, what've happened to it finally?  Is it just expired
and forgotten?

Recently we've began to deploy netgroup usage in our network and found
it impossible to do search by nisNetgroupTriple attribute due to it's
SYNTAX and SUBSTR definition ...

We've done "amendments" to nis.schema to fix that and they occured to be
the same as the ones offered in RFC2307bis2 :)

So, is there any further plans/ideas to do something with RFC2307bis2,

Zeus V. Panchenko				jid:zeus@im.ibs.dn.ua
IT Dpt., I.B.S. LLC					  GMT+2 (EET)

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