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Re: Search memberOf

--On Tuesday, August 07, 2018 11:23 AM +0200 Arianna Milazzo <arianna@ariannamicrochip.it> wrote:

You're right, but already that database is populated by various scripts.
I don't want to add sync scripts yet.
Since I see memberOf in LDAP view, I thought the search was working too.

I will reiterate again that back-sql is an *experimental* *unsupported* backend that has numerous known bugs and is *not* meant to be used as a fully compliant LDAP backend. It is a bridge, and many features that work with compliant backends do not work with it. Trying to force LDAP functionality with back-sql is going to work well as a path to pursue. In addition, all development of this backend has ceased and no one has volunteered to continue improving/developing it. It's primary purpose at the moment generally revolves around being able to return SQL data via the LDAP protocol. It is *not* to provide LDAP like functionality with SQL as the backend.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: