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RE: Issue importing CGP schema into LDAP (centos 7)

--On Wednesday, May 03, 2017 9:28 AM -0400 John Cooter <jcooter@atlantech.net> wrote:

So, just to confirm what you're saying, that EVEN THOUGH the existing
schema has all the prerequisite objectClass and other object types, and
even though I'm attempting to use slaptest to convert a single extended
.schema, a holdover from an earlier version of openldap, to an .ldif in
the configuration cn, that my test.conf, must have lines that include all
the other base schema files as well?

You should absolutely not be including elements from other schema into the file simply for the purpose of conversion, as you will end up with a file you won't be able to import to cn=config if it has those other schema included. And, if it had all the elements as you claim, then you certainly wouldn't be getting an error about the "organization" objectClass being missing, given that that comes from the "core" schema file.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: