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Re: OpenLDAP Tutorial on YouTube Channel

25.03.2017, 16:42, "Rajesh R" <rajesh.r@fedji.com>:
I'm very like to your video and I will share it on OpenLDAP Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Please make more videos and send here,
Thank you so much!

At the outset, thank you to each member of the OpenLDAP project for all the hard work in developing a great LDAP Server.

I'm Rajesh Rajasekharan, and have spent a great deal of my time in various Organizations teaching several Products, including their LDAP Servers. While searching for good OpenLDAP resources, I couldn't really find a systematic tutorial for the same, so thought of making one myself. As a result, I have a playlist of 19 vidoes on OpenLDAP on my YouTube channel. If/when you've some time to spare, request you to please take a look at it and kindly advise if I could contribute in any other ways to this great Project.


kind regards,

--R Rajesh
Best Regards,