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Re: unique values

Howard Chu wrote:
> Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
>> entryUUID is defined in RFC4530, as an internal LDAP attribute. Personally, if
>> you need a UUID for tracking, I would create your own specific to your
>> application/needs.  For example, when I was at Stanford, we used suRegID
>> (stanford university registry ID) and  when I was at zimbra, we used zimbraID
>> (zimbra identifier).  There have been format changes in the past that required
>> wiping out some of the generated attributes when going between releases.
> This is bad advice. If you actually want a UUID then use entryUUID. As noted, it is
> defined in RFC4530 which means it isn't going to change. The format of UUIDs is
> well-established in internet standards.

This very much depends on which data source is supposed to be the authorative source of
new objects and how the whole object life-cycle looks like.

If the LDAP entry is persistent and it is *the* main authorative source of an object the
LDAP entry's 'entryUUID' attribute may serve as a good unique ID.

But note the strong if-clause in the sentence above. If you e.g. merge various data
sources you might have to generate UUIDs in a separate process *before* the object even
reaches your LDAP server. BTDT.

Ciao, Michael.

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