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Re: Script for mass updates


just a little follow-up:

- this is quick and dirty. it assumes cn is monovalued which may not be true in your DIT
- I assume you just wanted a quick script for a oneshot. if you want a script that you can regularly run to "fix" your database, you should take the time to properly write one with perl, python or whatever

I usually use bash+awk for quick & dirty, but I took the time to rewrite the script in python using the python-ldap library:

LDAP_URL = 'ldap://server'
USER_DN = 'cn=writer,dc=domain,dc=tld'
CREDENTIALS = 'supersecret'
BASE_DN = 'dc=domain,dc=tld'
FILTER = '(&(ou:dn:=people)(!(ou=system))(!(displayName=*)))'

import ldap
l = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URL)
result = l.search_s(BASE_DN, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, FILTER, ['cn'])
for dn, entry in result:
    l.modify_s(dn, (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'displayName', entry['cn'][0]))

enjoy, regards,

2017-02-01 19:52 GMT+04:00 Jephte Clain <jephte.clain@univ-reunion.fr>:
using michaël's filter, you could try this:

ldapsearch [options] '(&(ou:dn:=people)(!(ou=system))(!(displayName=*)))' cn | awk '
/^dn:/ {
  print "changetype: modify"
  print "replace: displayName"
/^cn:/ {
  sub(/^cn/, "displayName")
{ print }
' | ldapmodify [options]

we aren't doing your homework, are we? :-)


2017-02-01 18:50 GMT+04:00 Michael Ströder <michael@stroeder.com>:
Nick Milas wrote:
> Does anyone have a ready-made script (e.g. bash) that would do the following:
>  Loop on all entries in the ou=people branch where ou <> "system" {
>    If attribute DisplayName does not exist{
>       Set DisplayName to the value of attibute cn
>   }
>  }

You could use this LDAP filter to retrieve all entries you have to modify and their 'cn'


Applying this simple LDIF to all the entries found is left as exercise to the reader:

dn: cn=dummy,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: displayName
displayName: <value taken from 'cn'>

Ciao, Michael.

Jephté CLAIN | Développeur, Intégrateur d'applications
Service Système d'Information
Direction des Systèmes d'Information
Tél: +262 262 93 86 31 || Gsm: +262 692 29 58 24