I have one replication tool which makes some modifications in my OpenLDAP master. For some shitty reason, that tool tries to modify one dn with duplicated attributes. Here is the snippet of accesslog:
dn: reqStart=20170103135721.000411Z,cn=accesslog
objectClass: auditModify
reqStart: 20170103135721.000411Z
reqEnd: 20170103135721.000413Z
reqType: modify
reqSession: 1184351
reqAuthzID: cn=manager,dc=br
reqControls: {0}{2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2}
reqDN: ou=marili_advogados,ou=terceiros,cn=sistema,cn=entities,dc=sicredi,dc=c
reqResult: 0
reqMod:: U2ljcmVkaU1lbW86PSBt77+9Hu+/veKdqu+/vTA0LjUyOC4yNzYvMDAwMS0wNg1BVi4gT
reqMod: SicrediEntidadePai:= ou=terceiros,cn=sistema,cn=entities,dc=sicredi,dc
reqMod: SicrediEntidadePai:= ou=terceiros,cn=sistema,cn=entities,dc=sicredi,dc
reqMod: entryCSN:= 20170103135721.874447Z#000000#000#000000
reqMod: modifiersName:= cn=manager,dc=br
reqMod: modifyTimestamp:= 20170103135721Z
reqEntryUUID: 61dfd779-5799-4988-927b-914e75d6ae90
2017-01-03T19:14:21.043501-02:00 ds1openldap5p slapd[2245]: syncrepl_message_to_op: rid=000 mods check (SicrediEntidadePai: multiple values provided)
2017-01-03T19:14:21.043599-02:00 ds1openldap5p slapd[2245]: do_syncrepl: rid=000 rc 19 retrying
2017-01-03T19:15:21.039822-02:00 ds1openldap5p slapd[2245]: syncrepl_message_to_op: rid=000 mods check (SicrediEntidadePai: multiple values provided)
2017-01-03T19:15:21.039863-02:00 ds1openldap5p slapd[2245]: do_syncrepl: rid=000 rc 19 retrying
My workaround is remove the database on the slaves and let it to
do a full replication.
I'm looking in the replication tool to fix that modification bug but meanwhile I have two questions about that:
1 - Why that modification happen with no problem in OpenLDAP master and stuck syncrepl?
2 - Should I fill an issue on ITS or this is working as expected?
3 - There is any other workaround for this case?
OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.42
Matheus Eduardo Bonifácio Morais
Analista de Infraestrutura de TI,
Plataforma e Aplicações
Confederação Sicredi
Centro Administrativo Sicredi – Porto Alegre
+55 51 3358 7143
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