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Re: Bulk change user's attribute

--On Friday, December 23, 2016 11:39 AM +0000 Bruno Miguel Martins <bruno.miguel.martins@iten.pt> wrote:

Hello guys,

I am running slapd 2.3.30 and I need to bulk modify one LDAP attribute
(sambaHomePath) for all of my users, like:

Current value = \\oldserver\username

New value = \\newserver\username

Can this be done? Basically I need a partial change of that attribute –
"oldserver" which is variable, changed with "newserver" which is

Other than the fact that 2.3.30 is ancient and unsupported... You should be able to do this, yes. You could use a scripting module such as Net::LDAP in Perl. If it is possible to do a substring query on the attribute in question, you could use a filter of "(attr=*oldserver*)" to get a set of entries back, and then iterate over them and do the update in the script.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: