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Re: OpenLDAP performance and slapindex

--On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 9:05 PM +0000 "Real, Elizabeth (392K)" <Elizabeth.Real@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:


I'm running OpenLDAP 2.4.40

Upgrade immediately to 2.4.44. The 2.4.40 release was seriously flawed and had numerous critical bugs around replication.

In looking at ways to improve performance of ldap, is slapindex a tool to
use? Meaning after importing users accounts from an older ldap, should
slapindex be ran? Or is this tool is used when you want to modify/add
entries found in the slapd (cn=config.ldif) and database
((olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif) configuration files not when users are added
to the ldap database.

Stop using back-hdb.  Switch to back-mdb.


If you already had indices defined for the database when you did the import, there is no reason to run slapindex. Slapindex should only be used if you've added a /new/ index to your database. If you are using cn=config and add a new index, there will be a background thread that will eventually index the entire DB.

Whether or not you need to add indexing for given attribute(s) can be discovered by examining the logs generated by slapd, which will file a complaint if there is a search performed on an unindexed attribute. You would need to examine the specific search to see what type(s) of indexing may be required.

If slapindex is not a tool to use to monitor performance, what do you

slapindex has never been a tool to monitor anything. It is purely for (re)generating indices on an existing DB.

Hope that helps!



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: