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Re: How to move from hdb to mdb

On 22/09/16 02:21, Dan White wrote:

> Consider converting in two steps - converting your database to mdb first,
> then converting to slapd-config.

I did things the opposite way round:

1. slapcat your data database
2. slapcat your config database
3. Modify the generated config database ldif to correspond with that of
an mdb database i.e. change the objectclass, remove any bdb-specific
configuration, add the mdb specifics (MaxSize, maxReaders etc- there's a
lot less tunables in mdb)
3. Stop slapd and move your "old" config aside
4. slapadd your new config database
5. If 4 is successful, move your data directory aside and
6. Slapadd your data ldif.
7. Go for a (short) cup of tea
8. Fire up slapd.

Mark Cairney
ITI Enterprise Services
Information Services
University of Edinburgh

Tel: 0131 650 6565
Email: Mark.Cairney@ed.ac.uk
PGP: 0x435A9621


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