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RE: PasswordHash

Thanks Michael for the quick reply.

But, the error that I am getting when trying to add the following:
dn: olcDatabase={-1},cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcPasswordHash
olcPasswordHash: {SSHA512}

?According to the schema attribute olcPasswordHash is not allowed?

Is stumping me.  Not sure schema, if any, to add.

Thanks in advance.

John D. Borresen (Dave)
Ph: (781) 981-1609
Email: john.borresen@ll.mit.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: openldap-technical [mailto:openldap-technical-bounces@openldap.org] On
Behalf Of Michael Ströder
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Borresen, John - 0444 - MITLL; openldap-technical@openldap.org
Subject: Re: PasswordHash

Borresen, John - 0444 - MITLL wrote:
> replace: olcPasswordHash
> olcPasswordHash: {SSHA512}
> Now, if I add, something like the above, and the current olcRootPW
> shows {SSHA}, is that going to modify current password hashes or only
> forward?

It affects only new passwords generated.
Old password hashes of various schemes still work.

Ciao, Michael.

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