Hello,I have running an old openldap 2.4.21 servers farm replicating information between them for some years without any problem.
Now I'm deploying a new server running with ubuntu 14.04 and I have configure in it a refreshOnly replication against one of the old servers (so I could have information synchronized during all my migration process).
I have attached the database and its replication overlay config.The problem I'm having is that while slapd is running in this new server, its memory usage is continuously growing and after a few hours it eats all the memory of the server. I have also attached the graphic of the swap usage in the server (what it's actually drawn is the free swap) where you can see that after a while (while slapd is eating ram memory) swap usage is increasing. Peaks in this graph are produced where slapd is restarted (because its used memory are freed)
I have tried with slapd 2.4.31 package distributed with ubuntu and also with version 2.4.40 (installed from ttp://ppa.launchpad.net/rtandy/openldap-backports/ubuntu/) with the same behaviour.
Any idea? -- Angel L. Mateo Martínez Sección de Telemática Área de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA) http://www.um.es/atica Tfo: 868887590 Fax: 868888337
root@canis31:/etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config# cat olcDatabase\=\{3\}hdb.ldif # AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!! Use ldapmodify. # CRC32 bec9035b dn: olcDatabase={3}hdb objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig objectClass: olcHdbConfig olcDatabase: {3}hdb olcDbDirectory: /datapool/ldap/telematica olcSuffix: dc=Telematica olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=Telematica olcRootPW:: e1NTSEF9M2p5aWJQbHo4VTZxRk1EL3BNTG1BU1ovNlp5U0M0TWk= structuralObjectClass: olcHdbConfig entryUUID: a20c2046-b41b-1034-9018-47fe812fa8b6 creatorsName: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth createTimestamp: 20150701090223Z olcDbCacheSize: 100000 olcDbNoSync: TRUE olcDbCheckpoint: 5120 10 olcDbIndex: objectClass,uid,uidNumber,gidNumber,associatedDomain,memberUid,u niqueMember,entryUUID,entryCSN,sambaSID,sambaSIDList,sambaGroupType,display Name eq olcDbIndex: dc,cn,mail,surname,irisPersonalUniqueID,irisUserEntitlement,iris UserStatus,irisClassifCode pres,sub,eq olcDbIDLcacheSize: 300000 olcDbShmKey: 5 olcDbConfig: {0}set_cachesize 1 536870912 0 olcDbConfig: {1}set_lk_max_objects 1500 olcDbConfig: {2}set_lk_max_locks 1500 olcDbConfig: {3}set_lk_max_lockers 1500 olcDbConfig: {4}set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE olcSyncrepl: {0}rid=11 provider=ldap://<oldserver> binddn=cn=Replica,ou=Pe ople,ou=Management,o=SlapdRoot bindmethod=simple credentials=<password> searc hbase=dc=Telematica type=refreshOnly interval=00:00:00:10 retry="5 5 300 +" timeout=1 entryCSN: 20150902093023.008219Z#000000#01f#000000 modifiersName: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth modifyTimestamp: 20150902093023Z
# AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!! Use ldapmodify. # CRC32 f5663a4c dn: olcOverlay={2}syncprov objectClass: olcConfig objectClass: olcOverlayConfig objectClass: olcSyncProvConfig olcOverlay: {2}syncprov structuralObjectClass: olcSyncProvConfig entryUUID: acca843c-b41b-1034-901c-47fe812fa8b6 creatorsName: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth createTimestamp: 20150701090242Z olcSpSessionlog: 100 olcSpCheckpoint: 100 10 entryCSN: 20150904100158.575867Z#000000#01f#000000 modifiersName: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth modifyTimestamp: 20150904100158Z
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