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Re: Very slow ldapserach

--On Thursday, April 09, 2015 10:21 AM +0200 Saša-Stjepan Bakša <ssbaksa@gmail.com> wrote:
And search for all still crashes openldap server

ldapsearch -h -p 389 -D cn=admin,dc=spr -w siemens -s sub
-a always -b dc=SPR objectClass=*

552641e7 >>> dnPrettyNormal: <dc=SPR>
552641e7 <<< dnPrettyNormal: <dc=SPR>, <dc=spr>
ber_scanf fmt (m) ber:
ber_scanf fmt ({M}}) ber:
552641e7 => mdb_search
552641e7 mdb_dn2entry("dc=spr")
552641e7 => mdb_dn2id("dc=spr")
552641e7 <= mdb_dn2id: got id=0x1
552641e7 => mdb_entry_decode:
552641e7 <= mdb_entry_decode
552641e7 search_candidates: base="dc=spr" (0x00000001) scope=2
552641e7 => mdb_equality_candidates (objectClass)
552641e7 => key_read
552641e7 <= mdb_index_read 10000000 candidates
552641e7 <= mdb_equality_candidates: id=-1, first=16, last=10000015
Segmentation fault

I must wait for 2.4.41 release then. In the mean time I will use LTB
project build with HDB to see can I have that version in working state
for my colleagues test suite.

Hi Sasa,

Thanks for checking. Looks like there is some more work to do in this area before 2.4.41 releases. I wil be asking you to do further testing in the near future. If it were possible for you to provide me an example DB and your slapd configuration that replicates this behavior, it would help with a resolution.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration