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Re: Antw: adding a custom attribute

Ulrich Windl wrote:
I thought a schema having a OID is the same everywhere; would a modified schema need a new OID then?

Modifying RFC-published schema is prohibited anyway.
Igor Shmukler <igor.shmukler@gmail.com> schrieb am 02.12.2014 um 21:55 in

I want to have an ability add "custom attribute[s]" to my LDAP records.
For example, such an attribute could be sipTelephone, mobile and/or
something else.

I did a little digging. Please advise whether I am on the right track.

My understanding, at present, is that I would have to modify
core.schema [located on my Ubuntu under /etc/ldap/schema ] and perhaps
some other schema files from the same directory.

I found various syntax OIDs. For telephones, for example - should be the right one. There is
another OID for strings - for UTF-8
coded strings.

Is editing core.schema the correct way to go? I am eagerly looking for

Thank you for reading my question this far. I have been saved twice by
people on this list. Appreciate your help very much.


Igor Shmukler

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